Oh so beautiful

I was sitting by my window and looking out at the gloomy dark skies… Enjoying the dark clouds and sipping my morning coffee. I turned around and saw a pretty thing that was lying dead on my stack of envelopes. I held it up and realised that its a dead moth. It’s so pretty that I find it hard to resist not saying a prayer for it.

I wonder how it landed there… I wonder if its a sign. But now I know that moths need not be grey and brown looking. It can be as beautiful as this one.


The world we live in

It’s hard to avoid… It’s everywhere. It’s a hard fact that will take time to change it all.

There is a saying ” when you were born you came with nothing, when you leave this world you go off with nothing”

Nothingness… To some is a scary thought. And especially more so when you don’t have money. There are fear and anger based thoughts and beliefs related to money. Those who think poverty creates poverty. The word ” I don’t have money” can well create the exact no money poverty thought vibration and thus attracting that kind of situation.

There are the rich and famous who have money but think its never enough in great abundance for them . Engulf in branded material luxury and yet cry foul every time they don’t get what they want. So what is enough? You have plenty! You have access and yet a selfish mindset … Sets them an inch away from being happy.

Then the wealthy and successful who seek nothing but add value to other people’s life. Who will go all out of their way to share their successes and continue to inspire others to be like them.

So which category do you fall into?

If you have just 2 dollars today in your pocket , will that bring you any sort of happiness?

Is your chase to fill your financial bank , depleting your emotional bank?

So then I would say… Money is a tool. You can use it wisely or use it foolishly. You can use it to benefit others or destroy a nation.

And why do we give so much importance to a piece of paper with numbers?

“You were born with nothing and you will leave with nothing ”

Something for you to think about…


The Change starts with You

I couldn’t imagine that on this day I would use whatever I have learnt through my own personal journey and teach a class of 17 people how to change their thoughts. Personally I’m no stranger to self realisation practises and have been reading tons of books and going through multi spiritual adventures to be who I am today. I am proud of myself… Very proud and I would constantly acknowledge myself for being the great being that I Am.

I have been wanting to do this for the longest time, yet I couldn’t find the right group of people to share with… Until my friend , Janice got all excited when I told her my plans. The original 10 pax grew to a great 17. Nervous that I am not able to deliver, I surrender the whole 3 hours and trust that the universe will guide me to what I can share.

Amazing to watch people learning something. Amazing to see those eyes brighten up when they got it. And most importantly it’s amazing to see all these eager souls wanting to dig deep into their childhood blueprints and leave the past behind.

It’s a beginning for me… I have always been seeking the purpose. And I am excited to be creating this purpose to share with everyone around me.

Thank you Universe for giving me those great years of learning. I guess NOW is the time I can pass this on and awaken others 😀



Mother’s Day

To all the women who have sacrificed, gone through great leaps and bounds to help man kind procreate , raise the children and for giving us a comfortable home.

Thank you Mummy… You deserve every bit of this special day

And the greatest mother of all mothers, who shared with us her great land and natural resources.

Thank you Mother Earth , Gaia for being selfless and ever so willing to share with us all the great wonders of this earth. As your child … Thank You!!




Our thoughts conforms and creates our reality…. To some , maybe it’s a myth. But to me it’s a theory that needs constant practise.

How many of you would agree with me that when you are facing a bad day… The cursing, swearing and continuous complaining just doesn’t make it better.  I have had incidents where I was so frustrated with the traffic jam that I had hit more red lights halt then I did in the last one year. Every time I have this urgency to get to my destination on time, it gets slowed down by the horrendous traffic. I had to painstakingly try ways to calm myself down… Humming a tune, breathing deeply and pray for the angels to turn my vehicle to a flying saucer so that I can pluck myself out from the waiting.

The same goes to your everyday life. The thoughts are like the magnet, attracting multi events, and situations that you welcome or detest. The more you detest, the more your magnet is attracting the situations that you don’t want.

I’m going to share with you something that I have been doing for the last 6 years in order to get my mind to function on the positive track.

Get a journal…. At the end of each day, write the things that are bothering you on one column, then write a positive way of handling the situation on the other column. Do it daily or whenever you have a roadblock in a situation. This allows you to divert your mind to positive thinking. For me it helps me to see the situation in a more diverse perspective so that I can see the possibilities. Remember all problems can be solved but it’s just a matter of time. Allow the problem to be resolved in a harmonious way.

Gratitude is also a way for more great stuff to be planted in your path. Start being grateful to all the little things in life, start each day with a “thank you ” for something.

And in any situation, know that they are there for you to experience so that you can learn and grow.

Next stops….books that I have read that helped me instill positive affirmations and convert my inner blueprints.

My life purpose

When I was 8, I’d asked myself this question,”why am I here?”. 30 years later I still have that same question in my mind. My curiosity will not cease till I find the answer and I guess it was my persistence that led me to this book. I’m currently at day 4 of my 40 day programme and I’m looking forward to all that will be revealed to me.

If you are currently searching for your purpose , feel free to be my running buddy as we embark on this purposeful journey.
