The world we live in

It’s hard to avoid… It’s everywhere. It’s a hard fact that will take time to change it all.

There is a saying ” when you were born you came with nothing, when you leave this world you go off with nothing”

Nothingness… To some is a scary thought. And especially more so when you don’t have money. There are fear and anger based thoughts and beliefs related to money. Those who think poverty creates poverty. The word ” I don’t have money” can well create the exact no money poverty thought vibration and thus attracting that kind of situation.

There are the rich and famous who have money but think its never enough in great abundance for them . Engulf in branded material luxury and yet cry foul every time they don’t get what they want. So what is enough? You have plenty! You have access and yet a selfish mindset … Sets them an inch away from being happy.

Then the wealthy and successful who seek nothing but add value to other people’s life. Who will go all out of their way to share their successes and continue to inspire others to be like them.

So which category do you fall into?

If you have just 2 dollars today in your pocket , will that bring you any sort of happiness?

Is your chase to fill your financial bank , depleting your emotional bank?

So then I would say… Money is a tool. You can use it wisely or use it foolishly. You can use it to benefit others or destroy a nation.

And why do we give so much importance to a piece of paper with numbers?

“You were born with nothing and you will leave with nothing ”

Something for you to think about…
